We will use the Saher Galt Complete Vocal Workout to keep your voice in good shape. It is a vocal workout to expand your range, build power, sing in tune, do fast runs and connect the high notes. I have broken the video down into small, easily digestible segments (below the full video) with the instructional part of the video on the left and the exercise or drill part of the video on the right, or you may view the entire video below at once (28:00) then perform the drills. Be sure to watch the short instructional video in the left column first, then practice the drill portion only in the right column each time you perform your warm-up.
The videos in this INSTRUCTION column pair with the videos in the DRILL column to the right. First, watch the video on the left, introducing the exercise, then watch the video with the same name on the right to drill the exercise.
RESONANCE "N" buzz Instuction (0:33) - part one...move to the drill to the right when finished.
FREEDOM & RANGE Lip Roll Instruction (0:37)
CONTROL & RANGE Siren Instruction (0:37)
BODY & TEXTURE Fry Dips "Hah" Instruction (1:27)
FLEXIBILTY - Instruction "E-I " Semi-Tone Trill (0:39)
BREATHE & CONTROL - Instruction (1:43)
CONNECTION - Instruction - "Ih-Yeah" (1:08)
TUNING - Instruction - sing straight numbers (1:07)
RUNS "Whoa" Instruction (3:11)
APPLICATION crescendo/decrescendo Instruction (1:27)
The videos in this DRILL column pair with the videos in the INSTRUCTION column to the left. First, watch the video on the left, introducing the exercise, then watch the video with the same name on the right to drill the exercise.
RESONANCE "N" buzz Drill (2:12)
FREEDOM & RANGE Lip Roll Drill (1:28)
CONTROL & RANGE Siren Drill (1:41)
BODY & TEXTURE Fry Dips "Hah" Drill (1:47)
FLEXIBILTY "E-I" Semi-Tone Trill Drill (1:47)
BREATHE & CONTROL Drill (2:23)
CONNECTION - Drill - "Ih-Yeah" (1:54)
TUNING - Drill - sing straight numbers (1:44)
RUNS "Whoa" Drill (:26)
APPLICATION - crescendo/decrescendo Drill (0:44)